The Babson MBA – the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
The Babson MBA in general, and the Babson Fast Track MBA in particular, like most things, is a mix of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. You can play a snippet of the song yourself to get in the mood for the rest of the column. Ennio_Morricone-The_Good,_The_Bad_And_The_Ugly Try not to whistle out loud as you play the clip.
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Inertia in IT – Changing Hearts and Minds
Posted by Thom in Business, IT, Technology on 2009/11/16
It is ironic that IT departments, whom people would assume would be most comfortable with change, can be in fact some of the most hide-bound corporate employees rigidly bound to traditions and policies that may no longer be relevant to today’s business environment.
Bring Out Your Dead! Windows XP – Not Dead Yet
Posted by Thom in Business, IT, Technology on 2009/11/09
Fans of Monty Python’s Holy Grail will remember the infamous “Bring out your dead – I’m not dead yet” sketch. With the release of Windows 7, Windows XP is the guy saying “I’m not dead yet”, while Microsoft is the guy saying “you will be”.
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Updates – Revisiting Past Topics
Posted by Thom in Business, Technology on 2009/11/08
A column of updates is every columnist’s favorite crutch when ideas aren’t flowing and blogging is no different. But of course, I am doing an update column because I think that some of the previous topics I’ve written about earlier are worth updating, not because I’m suffering from a lack of ideas.
The Babson MBA, One Year Later
A little over one year ago, I finished up my final coursework for my MBA from Babson College. The program I completed was the Fast Track MBA. For two years, I was part of a cohort of 88 classmates who met face-to-face every six weeks on Fridays and Saturdays, while also completing weekly assignments, discussions and attending lectures online. On average I spent about 20 hours a week studying and fulfilling the requirements for the Babson Fast Track MBA, while continuing to spend my normal 50+ plus hours a week working full-time.
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