Jack of All Trades and Master of ……Quite a Few
Posted by Thom in Business, Networking, Work Experiences on 2009/05/12
A recent Blog entry by Steven DiMaio struck home for me personally because I have a wide variety of skill sets and a large number of work experiences. This is usually a very good thing because I can usually make connections between disparate tasks and industries striking to the heart of issue quickly providing resolution to an issue and it also shortens ramp up time when learning new things. But it can be a bad thing when you are trying to concisely present yourself to a prospective employer or client or even take advantage of a networking opportunity.
Read more on Jack of All Trades and Master of ……Quite a Few…
5 signs you are ready to outsource
Posted by Thom in Business, Outsourcing on 2009/05/05
Large companies have been outsourcing business and IT functions for quite some time but small and medium sized companies have been much slower to embrace the opportunities and benefits that outsourcing can bring. It’s not just the classic business or IT functions like payroll or call-centers that have been ripe for quite some time but the newer software as a service (SaaS) functions for things like expense reporting, CRM and ERP functionality in addition to things like network management, HR and even virtual assistants.
Twitter Thoughts Flittering around in my head
Posted by Thom in Business, Social Media, Technology on 2009/04/28
Twitter’s exponential growth continues unabated and like millions of other twitter scofflaws, I’ve stepped into Twitter’s waters teeming with 140 character missives. (You can follow me @jobhuntin ) It took a little time, but I’ve quickly found it to be an interesting way of sharing information and finding people with new and interesting points of view. Twitter is like a river – it’s always there and yet it’s never the same river. I find it a very Zen experience because its whole purpose is to live in the now – not dwelling on the past or the future. And unlike a blog or an email stream, there isn’t the requirement to read every post since the last time you checked the feed in order to get up to speed.
The need for Professional Ambidexterity
I was working through some emails this morning watching my daughter out of the corner of my eye when I noticed something unusual. She was drawing on some paper and would switch the marker or crayon from her right hand to her left depending on where she was on the page with no apparent loss in skill.
Pirate Bay, AIG and The Dead
I read Umair Haque’s recent blog post on Pirate Bay with interest and it struck a chord for me on many levels. I’ll be the first to say that today’s copyright laws are becoming obs0lete and don’t reflect the technological and social changes that have occurred in the last 20 years. That being said, I’m not going to be defending Pirate Bay anytime soon.
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