Using Obsolete Skills Can Be Fun
Posted by Thom in Business, IT, Technology on 2009/08/24
No matter how hard you work to acquire them, some skills eventually become obsolete. But even obsolete skills get dusted off occasionally. And it’s interesting when those formerly needed skills, that you haven’t used on a daily basis, suddenly become useful at the oddest times and in the oddest places.
Can You Control Social Media? Should You?
Posted by Thom in Business, Social Media, Technology on 2009/08/17
Is social media controllable? If you think it is, should you attempt to control it? If you think it isn’t – what does that mean for your organization. Can you control your customer’s use of social media?
Clients are like 3-year-olds! Treat them accordingly!
Posted by Thom in Business, Technology on 2009/08/11
For those of you who manage clients this is not exactly news. As a parent of a 3-year-old, I recently realized there were many parallels between parenting a 3-year-old and managing clients.
Read more on Clients are like 3-year-olds! Treat them accordingly!…
Job Application Evolution
Posted by Thom in Business, Work Experiences on 2009/07/22
Applying for jobs has changed a lot in a relatively short period of time. Not so long ago everyone went to the print shop and printed up their hard copy resume in bulk with no customization for a specific job. That was what the cover letter was used for. And a company posted their openings in trade journals and newspapers hoping to get a a reasonable qualified applicants in a a few weeks or months.
Data Trumps Opinion, Everytime
Working out recently at the gym, I noticed several of the gym’s TVs showing soap operas. I couldn’t tell which ones – they all look pretty much the same to me. They all have attractive people looking very serious – and those people are mostly Caucasian with just a few representative minorities. There is always a crisis of some kind that requires strong emoting, the rooms are richly furnished and you can usually depend on seeing a passionate kiss or argument every 15-20 minutes. And based on the commericals the target demographic of the shows skews significantly female, although that doesn’t exactly take a rocket scientist to figure out. And you’d be surprised at the number of men who watch the programs. More on that later.
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